Friday, November 19, 2010

Virabhadrasana III: Myself


There's some sort of... for lack of a better word, spa-ish kind of room. There's screen windows and it's right next to a river that runs through the house. I can hear nature in the room and it's a nice and calming room with a cool exterior.

I chose to practice there because it seems more natural room without being outside. It's a relaxing room, plus there's a mirror so I can check myself as I preform the pose.

I don't have a disc or anything, so I used my laptop to play music I found on Youtube.

Here are the songs I switched around as I practiced...

Forest Hymn by Deep Forest (Check out their songs. They're pretty relaxing and some are energizing.)
With a hint of energetics, this song is relaxing at the same time. That's why I chose this.

Divine Moments Of Truth by Shpongle
I admit, this song is a bit strange, but it's pretty captivating. I could just stand around listening to this. All 10 minutes. It's quite relaxing and hypnotic. Especially with earphones.

Since links don't seem to want to appear...
Forest Hymn
Divine Moments of Truth

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